About Me

Brussels, Belgium
The purpose of this blog is to display what I consider my best photos od my trips. They are done with the light of the day, meaning I do my best with the available light.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Am I a Travel Photographer?

This is a legitimate question since I say that I travel the globe!
Unfortunately I'm not. I'm a Photographer doing tourism with his family or with a cultural association. Do I take good or great shots, I believe I do. I learnt over the years to be extremely reactive. 

I'm just a picture-taker dependent upon circumstances beyond my control.

Years ago a traveler with a camera was a potential Travel Photographer. Bringing back exotic photographs made people interested in your journey. In a recent post I said that people are bombarded with visual and it is also true with travel photography. It is so easy today to go overseas and bring back hundred if not thousands of exotic pictures, some are good and if not at least some are interesting, all posted on Picassa Web Album or similar. Does it make you or me a Travel Photographer? It used to be but not anymore.

Do Travel Photographers still exist ? Of course they do. But travel photography has been taken to a whole new level. More on that later...


  1. I just read a book by David DuChemin
    He travels a lot and writes about his photography.
    It's good stuff.

  2. Flipping thru Rangefinder Magazine I found this article: http://www.rangefindermag.com/storage/articles/RF0611_Bonuccelli_DarConte.pdf
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