About Me

Brussels, Belgium
The purpose of this blog is to display what I consider my best photos od my trips. They are done with the light of the day, meaning I do my best with the available light.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

When rushing to upgrade your OS it is not necessary a good idea!

Before upgrading make sure that all your softwares, drivers and on will be compatible with it.
Read the following educating story.
Where Lion can't be used

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stand on your ground

When it comes to street photography we are facing loose of freedom. We all have been told by security people that we are not allowed to photograph buildings or whatever for many and different reasons.
During the London Street Photography Festival in July 2011(http://londonstreetphotographyfestival.org/) Dpreview has conducted an experiment with six photographers accompanied with 6 videographers to see how easy it is shoot around the city. “Stand on your ground
To see more please click on the following link.
or on youtube
or on PetaPixel
Worth watch it.
Enjoy and learn!